DIY;Enriched Hair Oil Recipe

Hi Fairies

I am facing hair fall since last few months. Trust me its one of that worst situation to be caught in when nothing seems to work.I am laying stress on what I am eating because beauty comes from within. Along with it I am running from pillar to post to do Good nutritional Hair treatments at home also.

This recipe which I am going to share with you is an outcome of this effort and fortunately it is working for me. I am sharing this recipe with you in this video.I hope you will enjoy watching it!

Fenugreek Benefits

It acts as potent scalp cleanser.I am prone to develop dandruff in winters and at times my scalp tends to get itchy.Both these situations are taken care off by this oil recipe.

My hair fall is reduced since I am using this.

This is something I document.Well on internet if you google you will be able to find tonnes of benefits of Fenugreek/Methi.I am mentioning here the areas where it has worked for me.

Or May be if fortunate enough I may edit this post in months to come if I see some more benefits as said Like New hair growth and blackening effect on hair.

I hope this will work well for you also.

Stay beautiful