Hi Everyone,
I am sharing with you here few very personal and special pictures from my recent Singapore Vacation!!
Me with My Man!Mr Radha Abhishek

I was Super tired.I was shopping(window and retail:-) )!! So bit dull picture..

trystwithvanillagirl,calvein klein bag,singapore,chinese snacks
At Chinese Snack store

Here I was sitting next to otter pool but it swam by the time we took a shot!!

trystwithvanillagirl,singapore zoo,indianbeauty,indianmakeup
I love nature..Glad I visited Singapore Zoo!!

Oh Gawd Egyptian Mummy Ride was eerie…Just came out of it and Abhishek asked “POSE FOR ME”.I think its a good capture!!

trystwithvanillagirl,universal studios,singapore,indianmakeup,indianfashion
Black floral dress!! Love it

I love alfredo and pesto!! Here I tried Guacomole and loved it!!

trystwithvanillagirl,clarke quay,singapore,mesh tops
Vanilla Girl and heartfull of Guacomole!

I think I look like Discovery or NatGeo Wildlife Photographer here.Honestly feeling deep down was same but I never knew my face mirrors my heart adroitly!! Ha ha

Wildlife Photographer in Making!!
That was it guys!!
I hope you enjoyed this bit of peekaboo in my life.
Please add your comments in the comment box below.It gives me Immense Pleasure to know you people who are reading my blog and to interact with you following let’s say Q/A or anything that enhances our creative craving relationship.I have added  bloglovin button so you can follow me there!!
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