Colorbar Deep Matte Lip Creme Deep Blush Review,Swatch,Photos

Colorbar Deep Matte Lip Creme Deep Blush Review,Swatch,Photos

Hey Everyone,

I recently did a Swatch Post For Colorbar Deep Matte Lip Cremes On My Blog. My encounter with this range by Colorbar made me to fall in love with the Formula as such. Colorbar Matte Lip Cremes can be well represented as Indian Drugstore Dupes of NYX Soft Matte Lip Cremes. I loved the entire shade Range of this collection but the shade I loved the most is here in this post. So today in this post

Colorbar Deep Matte Lip Creme Deep Blush Review,Swatch,Photos

Colorbar Deep Matte Lip Creme Deep Blush Review,Swatch,Photos

Colorbar Deep Matte Lip Creme Deep Blush Review

I am going to share My review on Deep Blush Matte Lip Creme wit swatch and FOTD!!


Colorbar Deep Matte Lip Creme Deep Blush Review,Swatch,Photos

Colorbar Deep Matte Lip Creme Deep Blush Review

  • Lips look visibly fuller
  • Deep Matte Moussy texture
  • Lightweight and does not Bleed
  • Superb Color Payoff
  • Stays upto 8 hours


Colorbar Deep Matte Lip Creme Deep Blush Review

Colorbar Deep Matte Lip Creme Deep Blush Review,Swatch,Photos

Colorbar Deep Matte Lip Creme Deep Blush Review

1.PACKAGING: Colorbar Deep Matte Lip Creme  is packaged in a Chubby,Thick Glass Round Tubular packaging with a Sponge applicator.Packaging is sturdy and Transparent which is common for Gloss Packagings.Sponge Applicator delivers and apply the formula efficiently on lips giving clean Defined Finish.

Colorbar Deep Matte Lip Creme Deep Blush Review,Swatch,Photos

Colorbar Deep Matte Lip Creme Deep Blush Review

2.SHADE:Colorbar Deep Matte Lip Creme Deep Blush is audaciously bold  Coral Colour.It will look flattering on Very fair to Medium Skin Complexions. It is Fun,Sportive Girly Colour. Somehow Reminds me of Rimmel Apocalips Lip Lacquer Stellar’s(Matte Version)

3.TEXTURE:Colorbar Deep Matte Lip Creme has Mousse like Texture.Formula spreads effortlessly on lips without going sticky.Colorbar Lip cremes are moisturising and light weight on lips .It has very mild unidentifiable non-disturbing fragrance.

Colorbar Deep Matte Lip Creme Deep Blush Review,Swatch,Photos

Colorbar Deep Matte Lip Creme Deep Blush Review

4.FINISH:Colorbar Deep Matte Lip Creme Deep Blush  gives intense color on Single Swipe. It will show up true to its swatch even if your Lips are Pigmented.It settles down on my lips giving Matte Finish But still the Moussy Texture is palpable. It is not Cream to Powder formulation.

It does not accentuate the appearance of fine lines But has tendency to settle down in Fine lip lines if applied more. Best way to apply is to purse your lips on a Clean Napkin after First coat and then go for second coat.

Applicator is enough to give Neat Precise Finish. Beside this the formula does not Budge or Feathers as such. So You can go easy with this Lip cream alone without bothering for a Lip Liner.

5.LONGEVITY: Deep Blush stays on my lips for upto 6-7 hours surviving through prattling and tattling as far as the stain part is Concerned. As I just said that formula retains its moussy texture on lips It has tendency to get transferred.

So while eating and drinking,Lip creme gets transferred leaving behind uniform stained lips.



Colorbar Deep Matte Lip Creme Deep Blush is Cream Mousse Formula which gives intensely pigmented, Matte Finish on lips.Colorbar has Priced and Packaged these Lip Cremes.Formula goes extremely Light weight and hydrating on lips. As the creamy texture is retained on lips also,It gets transferred easily while eating and drinking.Though the formula is adequately pigmented but if you go for more brush swipes(say out of Habit) ,Lip cream will settle down in Fine lip lines.

♥For Rich Pigmentation,Versatile shade selection,Moussy Texture,Matte Finish,Sturdy packaging,Close to Affordable Range,Fuller lips I recommend  Colorbar Deep Matte Lip Cremes as a must check out Collection.As far as Deep Blush is concerned it is Hot Coral shade perfect for impending Spring and Summer.

Colorbar Deep Matte Lip Creme Deep Blush Review,Swatch,Photos


Colorbar Deep Matte Lip Creme Deep Blush Review,Swatch,Photos

Colorbar Deep Matte Lip Creme Deep Blush Swatch


Colorbar Deep Matte Lip Creme Deep Blush Review

Colorbar Deep Matte Lip Creme Deep Blush Review,Swatch,LOTD


Colorbar Deep Matte Lip Creme Deep Blush Review,Swatch,Photos,FOTD

FOTD with Colorbar Deep Matte Lip Creme Deep Blush

Colorbar Deep Matte Lip Creme Deep Blush Review,Swatch,Photos,FOTD

FOTD with Colorbar Deep Matte Lip Creme Deep Blush

Colorbar Deep Matte Lip Creme Deep Blush Review,Swatch,Photos,FOTD

FOTD with Colorbar Deep Matte Lip Creme Deep Blush

Colorbar Deep Matte Lip Creme Deep Blush Review,Swatch,Photos,FOTD

FOTD with Colorbar Deep Matte Lip Creme Deep Blush

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I will love to interact with you in any format( let’s say Q/A or anything) that enhances our common, creative,beauty driven

Looking forward to this association my lovely friends!!

Disclaimer: As I am a Doctor Whatever I recommend here is not a part of prescription.Its Normal Makeup and Beauty obsessed Girl’s opinions unless stated otherwise.

16 thoughts on “Colorbar Deep Matte Lip Creme Deep Blush Review,Swatch,Photos

  1. It does make a difference when you post pictures with related makeup. Please add 3 different types of face poses. Both sides n 1 straight. when I was working abroad I have seen Some of my Chinese Customers with similar makeup. Personally Anything beside green i find attractive

    • Thanks!! Sometimes the Colours won’t show properly at certain Angles while look True to real in certain other!!
      Thanks for stopping by:-)

  2. Babe!! You’re looking so so pretty!! And this shade definitely compliments you!! ^^ Loveee the shade, and loveee your review as always!! <3

  3. You look so pretty 🙂 I loved this shade, I want to pick one. I was so confused at store because of store lights, only because of your swatch post I could see the difference. I think i’ll get either deep red or deep lilly 🙂 Thanks

  4. I hadn’t heard of this brand before.. buy boy, this color looks amazing on you! I really like the color.. it looks so special. You are also wearing gorgeous eye-makeup, btw!!

    • Thanks Natasja!! Colorbar is Trendy Makeup Brand…Their Lip cremes are Big hit these days..Glad Finding you!!

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