Biotique Bio Kelp Protein Shampoo for Falling Hair Review,Price

Biotique Bio Kelp Protein Shampoo for Falling Hair Review,Price

Hey Girls,

As I have been sharing with you since my Last few posts that My hair are my biggest concern especially when Hair fall  is so well documented after third month of baby Delivery.My hair always lacked volume.My Hair roots and scalp tends to get oily and hair tips are dry.I am always on hunt for nailing down right kind of Haircare -Price No Bar At Once!! Trudging My Way Through The Body Shop and Keihl’s I fell in love with this Biotique Shampoo .Today’s Post

Biotique Bio Kelp Protein Shampoo for Falling Hair Review,Price 

Biotique Bio Kelp Protein Shampoo for Falling Hair Review,Price

Biotique Bio Kelp Protein Shampoo for Falling Hair Review

I am going to share How well this is working for me!!


Biotique Bio Kelp Protein Shampoo for Falling Hair Review,Price

Biotique Bio Kelp Protein Shampoo for Falling Hair Review

This nourishing shampoo is a blend of pure kelp, natural proteins, peppermint oil and mint leaf extract, to gently cleanse hair and invigorate the scalp for fresh growth and healthier shine.KELP is a cold water seaweed high in vitamins, nutrients and minerals, coveted throughout the ages for its hair growth and strengthening properties.


Biotique Bio Kelp Protein Shampoo for Falling Hair Review

Biotique Bio Kelp Protein Shampoo comes in Frosted,Flattened rectangular with Grip Curves, white sturdy plastic bottle with Flip off lid. Though it closes with audible snap but there are chances of accidental spillage.

Biotique Bio Kelp Protein Shampoo for Falling Hair Review,Price

Biotique Bio Kelp Protein Shampoo for Falling Hair Review

Biotique Kelp Protein Shampoo is Bright Aqua/Sea blue in color .It is liquid in consistency But neither runny nor very thick.I usually mix it with water before applying so that the shampoo spreads easily on my oiled hair.Shampoo has mint like fragrance which lingers on in Hair at least for a day.

It lathers well and easy to rinse.My hair are soft and squeaky clean after riseing it off. It neither strips off essential natural body oils from my scalp nor it makes my hair tips Broom dry.It removes out all the dust and grime completely and gently.I have not encountered single episode of Itchiness or increased Hair fall since the day I am using it.(more than three months).I  do feel the need to condition my hair after using this.Currently I am not using the Bio Kelp Conditioner rather My Dove Hairfall Rescue conditioner.The combination works well.Shampoo overall is gentle on scalp and very tender on my facial skin.It has never broken me out nor I have seen any rash.

Biotique Bio Kelp Protein Shampoo for Falling Hair Review,Price

Biotique Bio Kelp Protein Shampoo for Falling Hair Review

This range BIO Kelp by Biotique is SLS Free.Other Ingredients like Neem, Tesu, Daruhaldi, Bhringraj, Ritha, Sajjikshar are good for Hair Nourishment. Bringraj has known to promote the hair growth also.It doesn’t lead to excessive chemical Build up in  scalp.I have not documented Fresh Growth as such.However,It has reduced my Hair fall considerably.Now I loose a strand or two in a day while Earlier I used to loose hairs in bunch.

After washing my hair with Biotique Kelp Protein Shampoo ,My hair feel softer, looks Shiny smell great with hint of Healthy bounce.

PRICE:269 INR f for 400ml


I highly recommend Biotique Bio Kelp  Protein Shampoo for Falling Hair as a gentle to scalp Hair cleanser which checks the Hair Fall in most Natural and Healthy way. Biotique’s Bio Kelp Hair care Range is SLS free which is big Upside to this Product.Shampoo is easily available and comes with conditioner to follow up.It has reduced My Hair fall considerably.But As It is claimed to be a treatment for Intensive Hair Growth which is sloppy as per My view after using the product for more than three months.

Bio Kelp Protein Shampoo

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Disclaimer: As I am a Doctor Whatever I recommend here is not a part of prescription.Its Normal Makeup and Beauty obsessed Girl’s opinions unless stated otherwise.

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