Dettol Multi Use Wipes Review,Price in India

Dettol Multi Use Wipes Review,Price in India

Hey Everyone,

My house has one sanitizer each in all the rooms.My car and My purse has small purse santitizers. I love cleanliness as such.But with the new baby,I am hygiene obsessed mom. Sanitizers are always handy for quick and anytime disinfection.Off late I am fond of something above my liquid sanitizers i.e Dettol Multi Use Wipes .

Dettol is the household name for disinfection and needs no introduction.I literally grew up with Dettol swabs !! With kids in house I used to keep on wiping and sanitizing everything they use or I use for them. Fomites tend to accumulate most of the dirt and germs in the house.My elder Daughter is so fond of using these wipes that she will take the pack in school also.So I thought of bringing up Today’s post i.e

Dettol Multi Use Wipes Review,Price in India

Dettol Multi Use Wipes Review,Price in India

Dettol Multi Use Wipes Review

It can be a great product for New mums,Mums and cleanliness freaks!!


Dettol Multi Use Wipes Review,Price in India

Dettol Multi Use Wipes Review

Dettol Multi-Use Wipes are suitable for use on both skin and surfaces. They provide protection from a wide range of germs wherever, whenever.


Dettol Multi Use Wipes Review

Dettol Multi Use Wipes Review,Price in India

Dettol Multi Use Wipes Review

New Dettol Multi Use Wipes Review comes in rectangular,plastic paper (non crackling) Pillow packaging with trademark Dettol green white accents on the outlay.  Packet has an oval hole on the top that is closed with resealable seal . The glue of the seal will last till 30th wipe. Resealable seal ensures to lock the moisture in wipes.Each wipe lays inside well folded inside the packet.

Unlike some wet face tissues,where the whole bunch comes out on pulling,Dettol wipes are folded smartly and easy to pull one at time.It has somewhat Dettol’ic fragrance but still pleasant.Wipe is thick white paper,oblong shaped which will not tear even when used roughly.

Dettol Multi Use Wipes Review,Price in India

Dettol Multi Use Wipes Review

It is claimed to have neutral ph so does not disturb natural skin protection mechanisms. The active formula is alcohol free and has natural emollients which makes it gentle for Skin Surfaces.I dispose off the tissues in bin after use so should not to be flushed.

How many ways I use it?

There are multiple way I use these wipes

  • Foremost to clean my Android and Laptop.One wipe is more than sufficient for Both the gadgets.
  • To clean my hands before I pick up my New born for mum baby coochie coo!!
  • To sanitize the Toys,Kitchen surfaces,dining table and other such thing s that accumulate dust /germs.As the tissue is wet,it catch hold of the dirt easily.
  • Feeling lazy,I clean my makeup brushes while doing my makeup.I am in habit of using one single brush for so many purposes.These serve so handy.I sometimes end up using them as final wipe in my makeup removal.Though they cannot replace Makeup Removal wipes but they work well in removing residual makeup.
  • In My Car and Purse,Dettol wipes manage to give instant hygiene.While travelling my family use them most as hand cleanser before/after food!

PRICE:115 INR for 30 wipes


Dettol Multi Use Wipes is new age,easy to use portable cleaning wipes.Wipes are soaked in a liquid which is skin friendly.It can be used for so many purposes in Daily Routine Life.Bit expensive but I don’t want price slash at the cost of quality because I loved the quality and overall feel of Dettol wipes.I hope that dettol will come up with more soothening fragrances in this range.

♥Get Germ free Protection!! Wherever,Whenever!! Recommended



Dettol Multi Use Wipes Review,Price in India

Dettol Multi Use Wipes Review

Dettol Multi Use Wipes Review,Price in India

Dettol Multi Use Wipes Review

Dettol Multi Use Wipes Review,Price in India

Dettol Multi Use Wipes Review

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Disclaimer: As I am a Doctor Whatever I recommend here is not a part of prescription.Its Normal Makeup and Beauty obsessed Girl’s opinions unless stated otherwise.

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