Vol 1: My Insta Life

Hey Everyone,

I am active on instagram with New id #Trystwithvanillagirlblog!! I earlier had insta Account after my name itself.But Once I was trying to configure Instagram feed on my blog and messed up the entire thing. I am a Doctor of Humans and Computers do not come easy to a Non Techie like me. Instagram erased my account and despite many requests ,emails I along with my website was labelled as someone who can create trouble for Instagram.I just laugh on folly of circumstances where harmless people are filtered while harmful elements wade their way through comfortably!!

So now I have come up with new posts sharing My Insta Life with my Readers!!

Tried My Hands Baking Vanilla cake for Kids

Tried My Hands Baking Vanilla cake for Kids

Favorite Lunch Menu at Weekends -Punjabi Kadi Chawal

Favorite Lunch Menu at Weekends -Punjabi Kadi Chawal

Quick GRWM for shopping

Quick GRWM for shopping

Baskin and Robbins All Nuts Ice cream..Tried one in 25 years!!

Baskin and Robbins All Nuts Ice cream..Tried one in 25 years!!

Awesome Dinner -The Lalit Chandigarh

Awesome Dinner -The Lalit Chandigarh

Summers are here!! Loved Jaljeera by Paper Boat

Summers are here!! Loved Jaljeera by Paper Boat

Poha snack!!

Poha snack!!

Favorite Moong Dal Sprouts

Favorite Moong Dal Sprouts

Please add your comments in the comment box below.

It gives me immense pleasure to know you people who read my blog.

I will love to interact with you in any format( let’s say Q/A or anything) that enhances our common, creative,beauty driven

Looking forward to this association my lovely friends!!
Disclaimer: As I am a Doctor Whatever I recommend here is not a part of prescription.Its Normal Makeup and Beauty obsessed Girl’s opinions unless stated otherwise

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