Lakme 9 to 5 Long Wear Nail Enamel Rose Rush Review,NOTD

Lakme 9 to 5 Long Wear Nail Enamel Rose Rush Review,NOTD

Hi Everyone

Today’s Monday Manicure Post is

Lakme 9 to 5 Long Wear Nail Enamel Rose Rush Review,NOTD

Lakme 9 to 5 Long Wear Nail Enamel Rose Rush Review,NOTD

Lakme 9 to 5 Long Wear Nail Enamel Rose Rush Review,NOTD

Though these Nail Paints are Around since a while but This is my first purchase from the range.What prompted me to check out this collection was the Bright color range of Brilliant Pinks,Corals and Fuchsias.Plus the Long wear branding by Lakme. I was looking for long lasting formula for long.Since these are pretty affordable too, I thought of giving a try to these.So here is Lakme Rose Rush Nail Polish  Review and NOTD


Lakme 9 to 5 Long Wear Nail Enamel Rose Rush Review,NOTD

Lakme 9 to 5 Long Wear Nail Enamel Rose Rush Review,NOTD

Flaunt your nails with Lakmé’s Nine to Five Long wear Nail Enamel. Its long lasting shine locks moisture & leaves you with breathtaking shine. With 16 beautiful perfect for office wear shades it will be difficult to choose only one.

Key Features

  • Circular bottle & cap for easy grip
  • Thick brush for better color deposition
  • 16 Shades, hassle free strokes


  Lakme 9 to 5 Long Wear Nail Enamel Rose Rush Review,NOTD

Lakme 9 to 5 Long Wear Nail Enamel Rose Rush Review,NOTD

Lakme 9 to 5 Long Wear Nail Enamel Rose Rush Review,NOTD

  Lakme 9 to 5 Long Wear Nail Enamel is housed in Regular,Cylindrical Glass(9ml) bottle with a Twist Up Rose Gold Finish Lid. Applicator has appropriate,user friendly length and the Round lid gives easy grip.Brush is decently dense and the bristles fans out smoothly to spread the Nail polish. 

Lakme 9 to 5 Long Wear Nail Enamel Rose Rush is brilliant bright coral Nail paint without shimmer making it a perfect shade for summers.Texture of the Nail polish is thick.It is thick but easy to spread.With this thick texture , I am not sure How long this Nail polish will last.Any how despite thick texture Nail Enamel neither threads nor turn gooey on my nails.It has mild non bothering scent.

Lakme 9 to 5 Long Wear Nail Enamel Rose Rush Review,NOTD

Lakme 9 to 5 Long Wear Nail Enamel Rose Rush Review,NOTD

Due to thick consistency,Single swipe gives almost complete opacity.But for more uniform Finish I apply two coats(Suggested Same by Brand).Again You have to wait between two coats but despite thick texture the nail paint dries pretty fast especially the first coat.It gives creamy Finish with a subtle shine on my nails.

On my right hand nails,Manicure lasted 4 days and these was chipping on 5 th day whereas on my left Manicure lasted 10 days .Though the shine diminished gradually but the pigmentation stayed without chipping throughout the wear.

PS:I am right handed and love to wash my hands throughout (8-10 times)the day due to OCD for hygiene!!  I do not do heavy housework either. Baby care is all I do!!

PRICE:200 INR( Buy It Here )


  Lakme 9 to 5 Long Wear Nail Enamel Rose Rush  is Gorgeous Bright Coral Pink shade for Summers with awesome Creamy with a hint of Shine in finish.I was taken aback by its chip resistant finish that lasted for upto 10 days on my left hand nails without top coat.Range is pretty affordable and has brilliant collection of vibrant shades. My only accusation is the consistency which is thicker!! Nail Polishes tend to thicken up with time and I fear this bottle will not last long.Though the consistency is thicker but the Formula is pretty decent on nails.

♥Recommended !! For Summers,Affordability and Finish!!


Rose Rush

Lakme 9 to 5 Long Wear Nail Enamel Rose Rush Review,NOTD

Lakme 9 to 5 Long Wear Nail Enamel Rose Rush Review,NOTD

Lakme 9 to 5 Long Wear Nail Enamel Rose Rush Review,NOTD

Lakme 9 to 5 Long Wear Nail Enamel Rose Rush Review,NOTD

Lakme 9 to 5 Long Wear Nail Enamel Rose Rush Review,NOTD

Lakme 9 to 5 Long Wear Nail Enamel Rose Rush Review,NOTD

Lakme 9 to 5 Long Wear Nail Enamel Rose Rush Review,NOTD

Lakme 9 to 5 Long Wear Nail Enamel Rose Rush Review,NOTD

Lakme 9 to 5 Long Wear Nail Enamel Rose Rush Review,NOTD

Lakme 9 to 5 Long Wear Nail Enamel Rose Rush Review,NOTD

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Disclaimer: As I am a Doctor Whatever I recommend here is not a part of prescription.Its Normal Makeup and Beauty obsessed Girl’s opinions unless stated otherwise.


Flaunt your nails with Lakmé’s Nine to Five Long wear Nail Enamel. Its long lasting shine locks moisture & leaves you with breathtaking shine. With 16 beautiful perfect for office wear shades it will be difficult to choose only one.

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