Forest Essentials Hand Pounded Organic Fruit Scrub Review, Price, Buy Online

Forest Essentials Hand Pounded Organic Fruit Scrub Review, Price, Buy Online

Hey Everyone

Gentle and Regular exfoliation should be an important part of Daily Skincare Routine. As my daily Face Exfoliator, I was using Forest Essentials Rupam. I hit FE Stores for second jar but To My Dismay, It was out of stock for the fear of being discontinued.SA suggested me to go for  Hand Pounded Organic Fruit Scrub. I did not like this Scrub at face of it. Literally I was wondering “WTH”. Anyhow I tried the Fruit Scrub, had mixed feelings testing it out but Bought it finally. So In today’s post

Forest Essentials Hand Pounded Organic Fruit Scrub Review, Price, Buy Online

Forest Essentials Hand Pounded Organic Fruit Scrub Review, Price, Buy Online

Forest Essentials Hand Pounded Organic Fruit Scrub Review

I am going to share my experience with this New Fruit Scrub in my Vanity.


Forest Essentials Hand Pounded Organic Fruit Scrub Review

Forest Essentials Hand Pounded Organic Fruit Scrub Review, Price, Buy Online

Forest Essentials Hand Pounded Organic Fruit Scrub Review

This nourishing face scrub, hand-pounded to the right consistency, blends fresh organically grown Dates and Peaches which are excellent antioxidants and improve elasticity. Apricot Kernel oil nourishes, softens and improves skin elasticity.Pure Raw Honey’s natural antioxidants protect the skin from sun damage, replenish skin moisture, absorb impurities from the skin pores, making it an ideal cleansing agent.Finely milled oil-rich walnut provides deep cleansing and brightens the complexion by gently removing dead cells and impurities, to gently exfoliates, revealing a beautifully polished and glowing complexion. Turmeric is a strong anti-oxidant that prevents ageing of the skin. It evens out skin tone and colour, and gives the skin a healthy glow. Pure Rosewater tones, diminishes fine lines and rehydrates the skin while Bael smoothes and cools the skin. Neem as a purifier is healing, cooling and anti septic. With an intensive conditioning action and packed with antioxidants, this scrub is the ultimate food for the skin.


Forest Essentials Hand Pounded Organic Fruit Scrub Review

Forest Essentials Hand Pounded Organic Fruit Scrub Review, Price, Buy Online

Forest Essentials Hand Pounded Organic Fruit Scrub Review

Forest Essentials Hand Pounded  Organic Fruit Scrub is packed inside Thick Glass Jars with a Golden Screw Lid to operate the packaging.There is small white plastic tumbler within the main glass jar which actually contains the paste.Packaging looks luxe due to thick and good quality glass jar and Golden lid .But The quantity of the product is much less than what it looks (for the size of glass jar).

Hand Pounded Organic Fruit Scrub is Deep Orange/Brown in color .It is in the form of Thick  Paste( as that of Chawanprash)  with visible walnut Granules.It smells Dates in jar but while applying on the Face with water ,My entire washroom is filled with rose fragrance. Unlike Rupam ,Organic Fruit Scrub is thicker in consistency and needs proper layer of water on Face to spread.


  1. WET EXFOLIATION:I dab my face with warm water. Then I take small amount of this scrub and apply it all over my Face. I gently exfoliate by massaging in upward strokes for 2-3 minutes. Then I let it sit on my face for absorption of active ingredients Like Honey and Let Natural Glycolic acid to work.
  2. DRY EXFOLIATION: Sometimes I apply it all over my face ( On a very thin layer of water) like Ubtan. Let it sit on my skin till it completely dries up. Then without using water I massage out the scrub .
  3. MINI HOME FACIAL: At times after massaging my skin with Forest Essentials Lightening and Brightening Cream Tejasvi, I take out the excess of it with this Organic Fruit Scrub.
Forest Essentials Hand Pounded Organic Fruit Scrub Review, Price, Buy Online

Forest Essentials Hand Pounded Organic Fruit Scrub Review

On applying the Scrub on face ,Yellow color of Turmeric is visible but unlike Turmeric it does not leave Skin stained. Walnut particles exfoliates gently and are not abrasive at all. If you love eating Dates ,You may like the Fragrance of Scrub from the pot. The Scrub seems so gentle while using that I expected least that I am going to document results in Single  use. I think it is probably because of Natural Active Glycolic Acid derived from fermented Dates and Peach pulp. After every use My Skin looks so soft smooth brightened nourished. I am using it now for past three weeks. It has not reacted on my skin neither broke me out.

PRICE:1450 INR (Buy It Here)


Forest Essentials Hand Pounded Organic Fruit Scrub has turned out another Product Hit for me from Forest Essentials. It is very Gentle on skin, Exfoliates effectively without scratching,has goodness of Neem,Bael, is imbued with Humidifying properties of Honey and naturally derived Glycolic acid. It cleanses to reveal soft smooth silky supple skin surface. It is fantabulous Exfoliator for Dry Combination Skin as it exfoliates while nourishing. Besides this refreshing Rose Aroma lingers. Forest Essentials Skincare is expensive but the results are awesome. Highly recommend

fruit scrub


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Disclaimer: As I am a Doctor Whatever I recommend here is not a part of prescription.Its Normal Makeup and Beauty obsessed Girl’s opinions unless stated otherwise.