Lush Fresh Farmacy Cleanser Review

Lush Fresh Farmacy Cleanser Review,How I use,Price

Hey Everyone

Today in this post Lush Fresh Farmacy Cleanser Review,How I use,Price

I am going to share my all time Favorite Cleanser from Lush. When I was in UK , My skin went erratic because of Lack of sleep and I was working all the time. My skin broke out and I had ugliest of Acne with pigmentation. I visited Lush store and was handed over Fresh Farmacy and Mask of Magnaminty to be used regularly for early and better healing. These two products together took my skin on OMG!! Moment.

Lush Fresh Farmacy Cleanser Review

Lush Fresh Farmacy Cleanser Review

I always knew benefits of Calamine( We were taught how to make calamine in Medical College) but It looked too medicinal . But Fresh Farmacy surprised me with all good effects of Calamine san the drug like feeling.Now once again My skin has gone super Crazy. I wake up to two zits every morning. I took a call and ordered Some Lush Stuff( Haul Here). So here is my Fresh Experience with Fresh Farmacy.


Lush Fresh Farmacy Cleanser Review

Lush Fresh Farmacy Cleanser Review

Lush Fresh Farmacy Cleanser Review

Every ingredient is carefully selected for its gentleness on the skin, with chamomile, elderflower, calamine and lavender; this is nature at its kindest. In order to make this soap gentle enough to use on your face as well as your body, we took out some of the soap base and replaced it with beautiful essential oils: chamomile blue oil is soothing on the skin; lavender oil calms the mind; tea tree oil is a mild antiseptic and rose absolute is good for restoring balance to the skin.


Lush Fresh Farmacy Cleanser Review

Lush Fresh Farmacy Cleanser Review

Lush Fresh Farmacy Cleanser Review

Lush Fresh Farmacy Cleanser is a muted Pink(color of calamine) Cleansing Bar. To reduce the costs by save the money spent in packaging,Lush just wrapped these bar in adorable LUSH marked paper. Rather than using the whole bar I cut the Bar in small cubes and store them in covered glass container. The cube I use everyday for face wash lies in my Shower in this cute tiny jar ,I saved from previous Lush Shopping.

Lush Fresh Farmacy Cleanser Review

Lush Fresh Farmacy Cleanser Review

I take  Fresh Farmacy Cleanser ( small Cube ) In my wet hands and work my way to have enough product required for my face cleansing. It lathers up with water with mild froth. I love the fragrance of it exudes on massaging. This keep emanating spa like aroma lying in my shower room which I absolutely adore.The fragrance is blend of Rose,Tea tree and Lavender oils.

Lush Fresh Farmacy Cleanser Review

Lush Fresh Farmacy Cleanser Review

It gently cleanses up my skin without disturbing its Natural ph. I will like to share here that Currently, My face has lot of Active Acne. This started two months ago when I was not regular in taking care of my skin due to House shifting. I developed rough granules and started getting fresh Acne crop on weekly basis.  Otherwise My skin is combination Dry.  Calamine soothes the angry looking acne without ripping off Natural Oils from my otherwise Dry Skin. Beside this It has Rose water,Tea Tree Oils and Lavender oil also. All known for their Skin calming properties.

I have no word to explain the skin calming effects of Fresh Farmacy  on my Acne prone skin.It has  reduced the Active Breakouts from two every week to one in three weeks. It is not Drying and skin friendly Cleanser.If you have active break outs on Shoulders and Back, You can use this bar there too.I usually follow this up Lush Mask of Magnaminty Thrice a week to combat acne.

PRICE:4.95 GBP for 100gm


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Lush Fresh Farmacy Cleanser is a treat for Acne prone/Oily Skin problems. It is enriched with goodness of Essential Oils which do not treat you at skin rather Skin deep. It is one of the cheapest product in Lush Inventory so Big Bang for your Buck.

Highly recommend !! But will not deny lack of availability in India as I really want LUSH to come back.

Lush Fresh Farmacy Cleanser Review

Lush Fresh Farmacy Cleanser Review

PS: This is for all my Oily Skin/Acne prone readers who have time and again come up asking for recommendations for their skin type. I know this is not available in India. But then you never know!!. So trust world which is full of possibilities and Keep Fresh Farmacy on your wish list!!

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Disclaimer: As I am a Doctor Whatever I recommend here is not a part of prescription.Its Normal Makeup and Beauty obsessed Girl’s opinions unless stated otherwise.